Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Green Ribbon Week!!!

This week is Green Ribbon Week. We have been SO grateful to Keri Marziale, Heather Hunt, Stephanie Duvall, Cami Moos, Nancy Lee and anyone else who has volunteered to make this week awesome!!! We have had a poster contest, fabulously decorated halls, and LOTS of fun!!!
Monday: Walk to School, Don't be Lazy. Make sure that your hair looks CRAZY!
Students were encouraged to walk to school. Local community heroes were at the crosswalks to give safety tips to the students as they passed. The students were treated to a breakfast of granola bars, apples and water when they reached the school. Our Student Council was on hand early in the morning to pass out water bottles to each kid and parent who walked to school. Each class voted on one person with the craziest hair, and they were sent to the office for a little treat.
Tuesday: Picture yourself safe. Dress your best.
Today was picture day at Rees. The students dressed in their best dress for the photos. Each student was given a green wristband with the theme R.E.E.S. safe kids. (R.E.E.S. stands for Rees Eagles Excel in Safety)
Wednesday: Be Careful when your Feet hit the Street.
Wearing mismatched socks and shoes will help remind the kids to be safe each time they walk to school. PTA members will be handing out suckers to those wearing mismatched socks and shoes.
Thursday: If you're safe and you know it, wear your green.
Thursday will be the final day of our Safety Week. We will be wearing as much green as possible. We will have an assembly with Jace Brinkerhoff and we will announce the winning class for penny wars. We will also announce when they will get to dunk Mr. Larsen and other teachers who are daring enough to take the plunge!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Book Fair

Jodi Riley asked me to publish this. If you can help her, please contact her asap. Thanks!!

I want to get volunteers organized and on their assignment asap so that we can have a FABULOUS book fair.I would like to use 3 or more people on each assignment that way I can include everyone who would like to help that way they can sign up for whatever and then I can call people and fill in the rest.

I need people for:
Newsletter and Publicity
Reward Activity
Teachers wish lists
Getting volunteers to man the book fair
Grandparents day

I might have a couple more categories after I get my planning kit, but for right now this all I can think of.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PTA Minutes September 10th, 2009

Suzee Anderson brought the meeting to order. She welcomed everyone and welcomed Sarai Memmot who was representing Mr. Larsen. She passed around a sheet to sign and to put all volunteer hours on. If you have any volunteer hours and were unable to attend that day you can email them to Kristina Reid , her email is krisreidemt@yahoo.com we need to turn these in by Sept. 20th.

Kristina Reid went over July's PTA minutes. A copy was given to all to review.

Suzee discussed the order of school t-shirts and hoped they would be here next week. She then thanked Nancy Lee for her awesome idea “Penny Wars” and Tanya Melton said how much we have raised $759.50 so far. Nancy and Suzee will be sending out a letter to all parents explaining our hopes for Penny Wars, these will go out by Monday. We then discussed other options we had if we needed to hold a fundraiser. We talked about Sally Foster, Cherry Dale, or Cookie Dough. It was brought up that Sally Foster always makes really good money. A motion was made by Kristina Reid to vote for Sally Foster as their fundraiser for the year and was seconded by Keri Marziale. Vote was placed, all was unanimous, motion passed. It was also mentioned that the Book Fair was not a fundraiser, that this was a way to earn our teachers books for their classrooms.

Sarai Memmott told everyone if they were customers of Direct T.V. they will donate $50.00 to your school. So if you are a Direct T.V. customer please call them!

Keri Marziale talked about GREEN Ribbon week and all the events that will take place. The theme this year is REES(Rees Eagles Excel in Safety). Monday will be Crazy Hair day and students are encouraged to walk to school. Tuesday will be Picture Day so wear your best clothes. Wednesday will be Mix Match Socks and Shoes Day. Thursday will be Wear All Green. Friday No School. She talked about the Pledge sheets that will be sent home this week. She said that the Utah County Health Department had donated helmets for all the winners of the poster contest.

Suzee then talked about school picture day and asked for volunteers to help with this event, both positions were filled. She then talked about Vision Screening and passed out a sign up sheet for this. It will be held Thursday Sept 17th from 9-11 anyone who can help please call or email Suzee or Kristina.
She reminded everyone of the box top website which is boxtops4education.com. She also reminded everyone about the Room Mother Meeting today at 3:30. The theme for this years reflections was announced the theme will be “BEAUTY IS” Audra Hatch is in charge of this and it will begin Oct 8th. A copy of all PTA members and what committee they were on was passed out to all. If you would like a copy you can get one from Kristina. She then talked about the money PTA would donate to the teachers this year, explained it had to be used this year and that there was an increase from last year, it was also mentioned it was voted on at Back to School Night. Lastly she discussed that our PR person for the year was Sadie Oldham and if we had any events or items for the paper we should contact her.

Sarai Memmott then thanked everyone from Mr. Larsen and from her as well.
Suzie also thanked everyone for all their help.

Stephanie Duvall made a motion to close the meeting and Nancy Lee seconded it. Meeting was closed.

Those in Attendance were:

Suzee Anderson
Sarai Memmott
Kristina Reid
Nancy Lee
Stephanie Duvall
Keri Marziale
Jodi Riley
Dani Hallows
Laura Jones
Cami Moos
Anita Hales
Kim McGill
Tammy Taylor
Tanya Melton

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PTA Meeting

We will be having a board meeting tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. We will meet in the Northeast vestibule just outside of Mr. Mendenhall's room. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

PTA Bonus

Often times I have wondered what benefit being a "card carrying member" of the PTA is.  Well, yesterday I found out.  I went to Rod Works to purchase some items for my bedroom wall.  As I was checking out, I saw a sign that offered 10% off the total purchase if you were a member of the PTA.  However, you had to have your current card to prove it.  I was so happy....I went back and purchased some other things I had my eye on.  So, if you love Rod Works, like I do, hurry down there.  But remember to take your PTA card!  Oh, and it only lasts this month.