Sunday, September 6, 2009

PTA Bonus

Often times I have wondered what benefit being a "card carrying member" of the PTA is.  Well, yesterday I found out.  I went to Rod Works to purchase some items for my bedroom wall.  As I was checking out, I saw a sign that offered 10% off the total purchase if you were a member of the PTA.  However, you had to have your current card to prove it.  I was so happy....I went back and purchased some other things I had my eye on.  So, if you love Rod Works, like I do, hurry down there.  But remember to take your PTA card!  Oh, and it only lasts this month.


  1. Suzee,
    Where would we get the cards from? I have one from 2 years ago but nothing since. Thanks :)

  2. Heather,
    Kristina Reid has them. I will make sure that you get yours soon.
